Rachel Lewis

Rachel Lewis

Alanna Kusin

Rachel grew up in Norseman, a small town in the Goldfields-Esperance region of WA. She has been involved with the arts from a young age, starting her first acting classes when she was eight years old. Since then she has continued her involvement with acting with ongoing classes and short courses, even going on to study it fulltime in 2016.

It was after Rachel got the opportunity to work on a show being showcased in Fringe that she realised her true passion may lie behind the scenes rather than on the stage. She then went forward in the pursuit of a career where she could work to give others a platform to share their work.

Having seen firsthand the huge effect arts can have on a small regional community, Rachel is excited to be working with Regional Arts WA to bring that same joy and connection to others. Her overall goal is to connect people and communities through art, working to give people a platform to share their work with their communities.

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