Wirriya Jalyanu Glass Mosaic Workshop
In partnership with the Malgana Traditional Owners and for presentation at the inaugural Wirriya Jalyana Seagrass Festival, Shark Bay Arts Council engaged local artists in skill development workshops to express local seagrass stories through recycled glass techniques.
Gathering in groups across Denham and Carnarvon, workshop participants were invited to learn from experienced glass teacher Claire Emery through Zoom workshops and create a collaborative art piece. This finished art piece was exhibited at the inaugural Seagrass Festival.
Commencement of the glass mosaic at the Denham workshop. Photo by Lisa Russell.
Project Name: Wirriya Jalyanu Glass Mosaic Workshop
Funding Recipient: Shark Bay Arts Council Inc
Amount Approved: $4,000.00
Funding Program: Regional Arts Fund Quick Response Grant
Region: Gascoyne