Teenagers Drug Awareness Art Day
Young people in Cunderdin and surrounding Wheatbelt towns participated in an art day with artists Olivia Ryan and Jaclyn Peach.
Participants developed skills in paint pouring, step by step canvas painting, different paint techniques and colour mixing. The artworks created were displayed at a community event, which received nothing but positive feedback. Many participants reached out following the project to ask for more community-based activities!
“This project brought many teenagers together and gave them the opportunity to socialise and get to know each other more. Not only did the teenagers engage in the even,t but parents and other adults were marvelled by the hard work and began to talk with others about the projects. The workshop also allowed the youth to be creative and adventurous when it comes to painting and expressing themselves.“
Image: Participants hold up their step-by-step paintings. Photo by Liezl De Beer. Courtesy of the Shire of Cunderdin.
Project Name: Teenagers Drug Awareness Art Day
Project Coordinators: Amber Bell and Alfredo Caneda
Auspice: Shire of Cunderdin
Amount Approved: $3,648
Funding Program: Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Region: Wheatbelt