Industry veterans boost Boyup Brook’s Shooting Stars
‘Shooting for the Stars Bootcamp and Showcase’ was held on 4th November 2016 in Boyup Brook, with participants from differing backgrounds and musical experience. Led by renowned industry specialists David and Merelyn Carter, the three-day intensive Music Bootcamp provided insight and training to musicians, singers and songwriters in the community.
The Bootcamp targeted all Country Music genres: rock, folk, blues, bluegrass, with focus on performance, vocal technique, songwriting, recording, goal-setting, operating a business, creating a unique image and doing it independently. Further to professional development up-skilling, the project made available to regionally-based artists and arts-workers increased networking, advice and information opportunities.
One of the highlights of the program will be a performance by the Bootcamp participants at the Boyup Brook Country Music Festival February 2017.
Participant Donna Matthews said: ‘In a nutshell I think Merelyn and David are the perfect tutors. They are knowledgeable, approachable and funny. What a dynamic duo! I thorougly enjoyed the weekend. I am feeling inspired, enthusiactic and excited following my involvement in the Bootcamp.’

Country Music Club of Boyup Brook is a recipient of Royalties for Regions Creative Regions and Country Arts WA Core Arts Funding.