Parade Puppets – Wheatbelt Arts & Events Inc.
After a year of very few reasons to celebrate, the March Mini-Fest was the first event held since the 2020 York Festival was cancelled.
The scaled down multi-arts Festival was held over two days and the discovery of an experienced puppetry practitioner residing in the Wheatbelt was too good an opportunity to miss out on. Merredin-based puppeteer, Chloe Flockhart, drew on her puppetry skills to deliver a dynamic and engaging, interactive event that complemented the existing program. It created links thematically with the overall event and engaged the community in hands-on puppetry-making. The parade of emu puppets became the Mini-Fest’s closing event and was paraded across the ‘Bridge of Gratitude’ (York’s Swing Bridge) and through the town, bedecked with ribbons of hand-written messages of gratitude.
Puppetry making with Chloe Flockhart. Image supplied by York Festival.
Project Name: Parade Puppets for the March Mini-Fest
Funding Recipient: Wheatbelt Arts & Events Inc.
Amount Approved: $4,000
Funding Program: Regional Arts Fund Quick Response Grant
Region: Wheatbelt