Northcliffe Fire Community Healing & Commemoration
On the 31 January 2015 a bushfire began on the outskirts of Northcliffe that rapidly grew into the largest bushfire Southern WA has experienced in over 50 years.
The fire directly impacted many farms and threatened many homes resulting in the evacuation of Windy Harbour and Northcliffe. Artists collaborated with residents and the wider community to develop a community concert, two exhibitions at the Painted Tree Gallery and published a story book that relieved the tension and helped re-empower the community after a very de-stabilising and dis-empowering experience. Several hundred people attended the Community Fire Gathering. Over 20 locals were involved in telling their stories of personal experience with the fire.

Project name: Northcliffe Fire Community Healing & Commemoration
Funding recipient: Northcliffe Community Development Inc
Amount approved: $3,000
Funding program: Quick Response Grant
Region: South West
“The project touched many in the Northcliffe and Windy Harbour communities directly. People could access the project in a passive way as an audience member or in an interactive way as a participant. There was a great level of first time participants to community arts projects, which was a super result”.