Drug Aware Youth Artivate Workshops
Murray Youth for Youth members ran a series of workshops for locals to try new artforms across the Shire of Murray.
Young participants learned spray painting and collage techniques during a skateboard deck painting workshop hosted Bunbury Street Artist Giuseppe Rugnetta; Volunteers from the Pinjarra Art Hub held a day of art and craft activities for young locals, letting eager participants try air dry clay, textile painting and claypot decoupage; and the entire community was invited to an open virtual reality day at the Murray Library which included letting people make their own virtual 3D art.
“Having arts activities at our event engaged people of different interests to come along. It also encouraged people to talk with others at the event (including our members), make friends and learn about what is available in Murray for them. It was an opportunity to promote what Murray Youth for Youth and Pinjarra Art Hub can offer youth in the region.“
Image: Skateboard deck painting workshop. Photo by Trick Cole.
Project Name: Drug Aware Youth Artivate Workshops
Project Coordinators: Hannah Spencer and Noah Tippett
Auspice: Shire of Murray
Amount Approved: $3,260
Funding Program: Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Region: Peel
Drug Aware YCulture Regional is funded by Healthway to promote the Drug Aware message.