Yeah the boyz Merchandise Program

Yeah the boyz Merchandise Program

Regional Arts WA

A group of fifteen teenage boys wanted meet after school to design and create hoodies, caps and t-shirts.

Margaret River’s “Yeah the boyz” youth group group worked with visual artist Mike Nikulinsky to design and screen print a series of art works that represent their future goals.

“We now have a group of 15 boys that meet every Friday after school to do cool stuff together and we have learnt to make new friends and take care of each other and help each other make better choices in our life.”

Drug Aware BBQ with Yeah the boyz participants. Photo by Angela Ramirez.

Project Name: Drug Aware “Yeah the boyz” Merchandise Program
Project Coordinators: Jett Higgins and Jezrah Tate
Auspice: Shire of Augusta Margaret River
Amount Approved:
Funding Program:
Drug Aware YCulture Regional
South West

Drug Aware YCulture Regional is funded by Healthway to promote the Drug Aware message.

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