Junior imPRESSarios Drug Aware Summer

Junior imPRESSarios Drug Aware Summer

Regional Arts WA

Despite the challenges of COVID-19, a group of youth in Northampton were able to learn more about their Country.

Northampton artists Colleen and Mauretta Drage worked with junior coaches to teach young participants the Nhanda names and symbols for their country, which were then carved and printed to different materials, including T-Shirts.

“[This project gave us] something different to do; a way to be together in the holidays and after school. We learnt some new things that we liked, especially the carving and pressing. … [When COVID-19 lockdowns occurred during the project] it was a bit frustrating because no one knew what was happening, and it was a bit scary.

Then the Old school delivered us all a “Care to Kerb” bag with some craft activities, soap, face washer and stuff like that, and at the bottom, each of us had our T-shirt wrapped in white tissue paper with the Ku’arlu Mangga Sticker on it – like we’d bought it in a shop or something. … It was good to know we weren’t forgotten.”

Five First Nations young girls stand with their art teachers, holding the T-Shirts they made. They stand with Team with pressed T-shirts. Photo by Annette Sellers.

Project Name: Junior imPRESSarios Drug Aware Summer
Project Coordinators: Brittley Mourambine and Caitlyn Harris
Auspice: Northampton Old School Community Initiative Inc.
Amount Approved: $4,000
Funding Program: Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Region: Mid West

Drug Aware YCulture Regional is funded by Healthway to promote the Drug Aware message.

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