Drug Aware Wicked Weaving and Cool Crocheting

Drug Aware Wicked Weaving and Cool Crocheting

Regional Arts WA

Nannup’s young people engaged artist Leah Vlatko to run workshops in weaving and crocheting.

Over the two days, 100+ young people learnt how to design and crochet their own set of fairy wings during the Flower & Garden Festival.

“It was fun to do art and craft things with our friends. We got to be part of the Flower and Garden festival and we learnt new skills. We had to deal with some of our fears such as talking to people we didn’t know and working to deadlines, but it was great to add to the atmosphere of the festival with lots of kids walking around in their fairy wings.”

Kids with their fairy wings. Photo by Louise Stokes.

Project Name: Drug Aware Wicked Weaving and Cool Crocheting
Project Coordinators:Rhiannon McVicar and Louise Stokes
Auspice: Shire of Nannup
Amount Approved:
Funding Program:
Drug Aware YCulture Regional
South West

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