Drug Aware Bruce Rock Youth Fest

Drug Aware Bruce Rock Youth Fest

Regional Arts WA

Bruce Rock Youtheez engaged hip hop artists DJ Dazastah, Bitter Belief and Complete to run a workshop for their Youth Week celebrations.

The young community members wrote and recorded a song to highlight drug and alcohol awareness among youth in the Wheatbelt.

“It brought an opportunity and a different experience to Bruce Rock for youth from small regional towns that often miss out on including music workshops and live performances at a low cost.”

 Po and Xander creating music with the DJ Equipment. Photo by Tamara Ennor.

Project Name:Drug Aware Bruce Rock Youth Fest
Project Coordinators:Tamara Ennor and Bruce Parker
Auspice: Bruce Rock Community Resource Centre
Amount Approved: $3,982
Funding Program:
Drug Aware YCulture Regional

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