Drug Aware Backstage Pass

Drug Aware Backstage Pass

Regional Arts WA

Young arts worker Dureen Bolton coordinated a three-day masterclass for young people in Merredin.

Over the holidays participations engaged in script writing, editing, lighting, sound, costume design, and creative thinking. Artist Blake Jenkins was engaged to work with Dureen, teaching the ins and outs of creating independent films.

“The project brought many good things to the community, including inclusiveness and awareness. … The families of the participants and the participants got to meet each other, form new friendships and make more bonds.”

Eight young workshop participants sit in red chairs around a monitor. Blake and Dureen sit either side of the monitor at the front. On the screen is a still of a film. Blake and Dureen with participants discussing the films they made. Photo by Justin Freind.

Project Name: Drug Aware Backstage Pass
Project Coordinators: Dureen Bolton and Breanna Charleson
Auspice: Shire of Merredin
Amount Approved: $2,545.45
Funding Program: Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Region: Wheatbelt

Drug Aware YCulture Regional is funded by Healthway to promote the Drug Aware message.

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