Chris Isaacs Writing Mentorship

Chris Isaacs Writing Mentorship

Regional Arts WA

The Riptide Youth Theatre ensemble collaborated with accomplished theatre-maker Chris Isaacs as a writing mentor to develop skills in writing for performance, both individually and in a devised group context.

Isaacs ran a session on writing and devising techniques that assisted in generating material for the fully ensemble-devised show Homebrand, which will be performed at FringeWorld 2020.

“Participants felt as though their creative opinions were truly valued by Chris, a professional and experienced artist, giving them a sense of empowerment to head out into their communities and lead other young people to create their own art, with the same sense of value. It further inspired the next generation of creatives in the Peel region.”

Ten young Riptide participants stand around a pop up banner advertising Drug Aware. Chris Isaacs and Riptide ensemble. Photo by Clea Purkis

Project Name: Drug Aware Chris Isaacs Writing Mentorship
Project Coordinators: Clea Purkis and Ruby Liddelow
Auspice: Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
Amount Approved: $4,000
Funding Program: Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Region: Peel

Drug Aware YCulture Regional is funded by Healthway to promote the Drug Aware message.

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