Drug Aware YCulture enables therapy through weaving
Geraldton’s SHINE program provides support and development for at-risk teenage girls in the community.
Young participants in the program received YCulture Regional funding to engage Kimberley artist and youth worker Natasha Lay to run weaving workshops.
Over the week-long intensive workshops, Natasha shared stories about West Kimberley culture and encouraged supportive conversations amongst the participants, building confidence and trust.
The workshops culminated in an exhibition of the girl’s completed artworks attended by their high school peers and families.
Comments from project participants demonstrate how the pairing of arts skills development and therapy had positive outcomes:
“When Mandy wanted me to weave something I said no. I didn’t even want to try because I told myself it was too hard and I’m not clever enough. The weave teacher talked to me, helped me and made me feel so good and I finished a whole weave by myself. The teacher helped me only a little bit. I love my weave.’
‘I loved how we all sat in a circle weaving together. We were talking and sharing stories.”
– Makayla Ruffin, 15

Participants in the SHINE program show off their creations with arts worker and workshop leader Natasha Lay.
DrugAware YCulture Regional funding is open year-round, offering up to $6,000 to support creative community projects for young people aged 12-26 in regional Western Australia. Find out more.