Drug Aware YCulture adds colour to Youth Precinct
Young people in Margaret River engaged Nannup visual artist Lewis Horne to assist locals in creating a mural in the Zone Room, a community space located within the Margaret River Youth Precinct.
A total of 27 young people participated in the designing and painting of the mural over a four-day period in the school holidays, with parents and local adults stepping in to help out. The colourful, vibrant resulting mural gives the Zone Room a sense of youth ownership and welcomes all young community members.
Young project coordinator Callum Noone noted that the project took place in the final days of the local skate park being open, and gave the youth the chance to celebrate the life of the old skate park through creating something new.
‘The mural gave the chance for many youth who had never met each other to work together in designing and creating a complete piece of public artwork that they can be proud of. Furthermore, the parents of the youth helped, creating an extremely positive atmosphere around the project. The project offered youth from many backgrounds a chance to take part in a free workshop, with access to equipment that many do not have access to. It was a great project to bring all those within the community together.’ Callum Noone, young project co-ordinator.
The project was supported by the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River, Margaret River Senior High School and the Margaret River Youth Advisory Council.
‘The project aligns to the Shire of Augusta Margaret River Community Strategic Plan 2036 goal of promoting welcoming, inclusive and healthy communities through support of local art and community celebrations, which develop unique creative capital’ Susan Elton, Community Development Officer, Shire of Augusta-Margaret River.\
DrugAware YCulture Regional funding is open year-round, offering up to $6,000 to support creative community projects for young people aged 12-26 in regional Western Australia. Find out more.