Drug Aware Print Making for Exhibition

Drug Aware Print Making for Exhibition

Regional Arts WA

Following a difficult couple of years that resulted in the temporary closure of the art centre, two young project coordinators wanted to help the community reengage.

Young people participated in a series of print making workshops with artists Rachel Salmon-Lomas and Lizzy Robinson where they developed skills in lino-printing and drew on their connection to Country for inspiration for their prints.

The artwork created from the workshops was displayed at the Geraldton Cultural Trust and at Ku’arlu Mangga (Good Nest) in Northampton. Project Coordinator Marika exhibited the pieces she created in the workshops at the Fremantle Arts Centre during Revealed and upscaled her goanna’s for sale at the Revealed Market. Her goanna’s not only sold well, but were also featured in promotions for Revealed 2022 and Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair.

“The project brought young people together and reminded youth that the Art Centre is still there for them, despite all the disruptions post cyclone Seroja and the COVID anxiety. People had fun and talked about their worries.”

Young girl painting on narrow strips paper. Image: Marika Gilla develops her work. Photo by Elizabeth Robinson.

Project Name: Drug Aware Print Making for Exhibition
Project Coordinators: Marika GIlla and Sophie Whettingsteel
Auspice: Northampton Old School Community Initiative Inc
Amount Approved: $4,000
Funding Program: Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Region: Mid West

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