Drug Aware Fusion on the Green

Drug Aware Fusion on the Green

Regional Arts WA

Drug Aware Fusion on the Green brought the youth of Waroona and their families together to enjoy a variety of interactive activities and entertainment.

Young people participated in numerous workshops including a drumming circle, an Aboriginal art project facilitated by Bindjareb Middars, and breakdancing sessions. Various community services took part in the event including GP Down South and Nidjalla Waangan Mia.

“Waroona’s senior high school youth are disconnected from life long friends when having to move towns for senior high school, this event helped re-engage these peer to peer connections.

Fusion on the Green helped to build relationships, increase skill and confidence, and educate the local region on the cultural significance of prominent landmarks using art art mediums to educate and promote the area. We hoped to increase knowledge of local support services and increase confidence in youth accessing these services.

A group of people drumming in a circle. Image: Drumming Circle Group. Photo by Joshua Cowling.

Project Name: Drug Aware Fusion on the Green
Project Coordinators: Zarli Butcher and Lily Franca
Auspice: Shire of Waroona
Amount Approved: $4,000
Funding Program: Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Region: Peel

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