Drug Aware Dance Workshops Mount Magnet
Young people from Mount Magnet engaged the skills of Perth hip hop dance group, Urban Youth Crew and with the support of the Drug Aware YCulture Regional Program, flew the crew up to Mount Magnet to deliver a series of workshops for young people in their community.
Participants learnt all kinds of new skills through the workshops including hip hop, break dancing, choreography, stretching and the importance of warming up as well as some new skills in photography.
The project culminated in a showcase of the new dance moves and a workshop for the entire community to get involved.
The project coordinators of Drug Aware Dance Workshops learnt a variety of new project management skills such as grant writing, contracting artists, planning and organising a community arts event.

Project Name: Drug Aware Dance Workshops
Auspice organisation: Shire of Mount Magnet
Amount approved: $4,000
Funding program: Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Region: Mid West
“The project bought people together, provided opportunities for the youth to explore an activity they normally wouldn’t have access to”.