General FAQs

Regional Arts WA

Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated Friday 18 August 2022.

I am working with First Nations cultural material, is there anything I need to know?

If you are using First Nations cultural material or are working with First Nations communities, you will need to acknowledge this in any grant applications you make for your project.

You must show how you will acknowledge First Nations cultural and intellectual property, and how you have consulted with the community and gained permission to proceed.

You may wish to refer to the following resources for more information on respecting and protecting indigenous intellectual property:

I am working with young people aged under 18, is there anything I need to know?

Where a program involves children or vulnerable persons Regional Arts WA requires that applicants provide all necessary police and other background checks.

In Western Australia, legislation requires that people who carry out child-related work must have a current Working with Children Check. If your project happens outside of Western Australia, you will need to comply with the legislation in that jurisdiction.

If you are an organisation engaging with children or young people, please refer to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations[PDF].

Can Regional Arts WA be my auspicing organisation?

Regional Arts WA is committed to supporting regional arts and artists and will consider auspicing an unincorporated group or individual if the proposed project meets the Auspicing Criteria, and Regional Arts WA is in a position to commit sufficient resources in order to meet its obligations as the auspicing body.

It is most important that those seeking to be auspiced understand the nature of the relationship they are entering into with Regional Arts WA. That is, by becoming the auspicing body for any project, Regional Arts WA takes on primary responsibility for all aspects of the project including project and financial management, human resource and OHS responsibilities, reporting and grant acquittal.

To assist in offsetting the additional administration burden on Regional Arts WA, a minimum administration fee of 10% of the project cost will be charged by Regional Arts WA and incorporated in the project budget.

If you are interested in being Auspiced, please phone us on 08 9200 6200 or Regional Freecall 1800 811 889, or email

Can Regional Arts WA write me a letter of support?

Regional Arts WA is committed to supporting regional arts and artists and will consider providing a Letter of Support to an unincorporated group or individual if the proposed project meets the Letter of Support Criteria.

Projects requiring a letter of support from Regional Arts WA should be of regional and artistic value, and consistent with the values and purpose of Regional Arts WA as an organisation.

If you are interested in obtaining a Letter of Support for your project, please speak to a Regional Arts WA staff or Board member you have an existing relationship with, or email

Where can I find information on artist fees?

Pay scales across the industry may vary, with Australia Council noting: 

“Pay scales and conditions may be prescribed by legally binding industrial awards and agreements, such as those monitored by the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA). In other cases, arts industry organisations such as the Australian Writers’ Guild, The Australian Production Design Guild (APDG), the Australian Society of Authors and the National Association for the Visual Arts have recommended appropriate industry standards. Where an industry standard clearly applies, applicants are expected to meet those rates of pay.”

To find specific information about artist fees, we recommend referring to the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA):


What do I need to know about taking photographs during my event or project?

When taking photographs as part of an event or project, must first seek image permissions for all people photographed. You can do this by having them sign a Talent Permission Form before being photographed. 

If it is not possible to get permission from everyone in attendance, an additional option is to post a notice that ‘filming and photography are taking place at this event’. This notice should be clearly displayed at the event on the day, giving people an option to not be photographed if they do not wish to be.

Taking photos and documenting your project is important and can help give funding bodies a solid impression of the project that has taken place. You can use these photos to raise your own profile and apply for future funding rounds. They’re also a great way for us to update the arts community about your work in publications such as Regional Arts WA’s eNews, website, and social media.

When you are submitting photos to Regional Arts WA to use, you may be required to submit an Image Use Permission Form.

Can I promote my event on your website?

You certainly can! You can submit an event by registering it through Localista.

Events appear on the Regional Arts WA homepage. Please note, Localista has been rebranded from the Scoop Community Network. This means when you add an event, it will show up on our website and any other website that uses Localista or Scoop Online.

Can I promote my event on your social media?

Yes! We love promoting regional events across our Facebook and Instagram pages.

If you have an event, please email with all the details and any images or photos that you want to promote the event with.

I have a great story about regional arts in WA, how do I share it?

We’d love to share your story with our network!

Check out the Submit your Story page for info on how to get your story published, or email

How do I get myself and my work online?

ArtsHub have released the Artists Essential Toolkit[VIDEO], with short videos on topics such as how to get your art online, how to get noticed online, how to make money from your art online, how to create a portfolio, how to make a podcast and much more.

I have a question that hasn't been answered on this page, what do I do?

If your question has not been answered on this page, you can also try the following links:

If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can send us an email at

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