Virtual World-Café

Virtual World-Café

Regional Arts WA invites you to our Virtual World-Café exploring the idea of a regional arts festival.

We have often heard from the regional arts sector of their desire for a festival that celebrates regional artists. Last year, we held a survey question to investigate this, it produced mixed results. The Virtual World-Café is the next step to delve into this idea a little deeper.

What is a World Café?

The World Café methodology is a simple, effective, and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue. It provides a format where everyone gets a chance to speak as it is a structured conversational process for knowledge sharing in which groups of people discuss a topic at several small tables like those in a café.

The Virtual World-Café will be an exploration process which will build the foundation for Regional Arts WA to develop the idea of a regional arts festival.

Who should join a Virtual World-Café session?

We would encourage you to join one of our Virtual World-Cafés, if you are:

  • Currently involved in a festival in regional WA
  • Looking to develop a festival in WA
  • Have a vested interest in the regional arts sector
  • Want an opportunity to provide feedback into the idea of a regional arts festival

How to Register

Each session will have a minimum of 6 people. There will be three questions posed during each Virtual World-Café session. You do not have to prepare anything for the session, simply turn up with your thoughts and ideas (and maybe a cup of coffee or tea!).

There are no current sessions.

If you have any questions, please contact Program Manager Weng-Si Cheang at or 08 9200 6202

Register to join

Wednesday 16 June 2021
3pm - 4pm

Registration Closed

Thursday 17 June 2021
12pm - 1pm

Registration Closed

Friday 18 June 2021
10am - 11am

Registration Closed
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