Local Leadership Pilot Program

Regional Arts WA

Local Leadership Pilot Program

Country Arts WA is delivering the Local Leadership Program for communities to connect, collaborate and create together.

Local leadership is a community development program to build local teams to share local knowledge and drive local programs. In a supportive learning environment, you will discover how to uncover and develop your own leadership skills using Positive Psychology principles and Asset Based Community Development practices.

You will achieve this by learning:

  • Self-led leadership skills and models | If it’s going to be, it is up to me!
  • Collaborative leadership skills and models | Creating teams and teamwork for success
  • The ability to lead community contribution | We have the power to create the community we want

“I had the opportunity to participate in the 2018 Country Arts WA Local Leadership course, a focused and in-depth program that extended my practise and allowed me to consolidate my collegiate network within the cultural sector. The course provided stimulating resources and participatory activities that delved into the thinking, development and process of leadership, and as a participant I greatly appreciated exploring both the contextual information and practical application of the leadership learnings from this program.”

-Soula Veyradier, International Art Space, Programs Manager, January 2019.

“I completed the Country Arts WA’s Local Leadership Program in 2018. The program provided me with a rare opportunity to reflect on and explore effective ways of communicating and building relationships in a personal, organisational and community setting. I particularly valued the chance to come together with colleagues from other arts organisations; to form new connections, consolidate existing relationships and to share our vast range of experiences and points of view.”

-Jill Brown, Community Arts Network, Arts Development Manager, January 2019.

‘’The leadership training I received through [the] Leadership program has greatly enhanced my professional abilities in the area of community development and indeed enriched my leadership skills across professional, volunteer and personal areas of my life’’

-Pania Turner, Shire of Dundas, Community Development Officer, March 2016. Read Pania’s full story here.

Read on for more info, or download the flyers for Broome or Margaret River.

How does this work?

The Local Leadership Program will include:

  • 6 days of face-to-face workshops (for 12-20 people)
  • professional one-on-one coaching
  • buddy coaching sessions

A professional one-on-one coaching session is where you get the opportunity to work in partnership with a coach to receive structure, guidance and support to develop yourself and your project idea.

Buddy coaching sessions is where you work with a colleague in the program to help each other apply the leadership learning models to your projects. The primary goal of buddy coaching is to support and receive support from someone using a coaching model, which you will be trained in.

Is this for me?

Leadership is not a position it’s a way of being that enables you to help others to shine.  The program is for those committed to developing their leadership skill set. It is designed for people who work in teams and recognise the importance of working well with other people. The program encourages a growth mindset, looks at challenges and uncertainty (around change) and emergence (of new ideas).

Why should I go?

  • You want to deliver an ambitious project in your community with as much impact as possible.
  • You currently work as part of a team and want to help raise the level of your performance.
  • You want your community to be better connected and more creative.

Who is the facilitator?

Country Arts WA Network Director Barb Howard will facilitate your local leadership development. Barb co-delivered the Artful Leadership for Community Building Program in Perth in 2017 and 2018 and supported the delivery of the program in the Goldfields-Esperance Region in 2015. Barb has worked in a range of industries including in the corporate and small business sectors and education and health, developing the leadership capacity of others. She holds two undergraduate degrees from Murdoch University, is the chairperson for Haka for Life, is on the development team of two social enterprises and she mentors Indigenous leaders across Australia.

Barb lived in regional WA for 10 years and she recently completed the Australian Rural Leadership Program over 15 months with 32 people from around rural, regional and remote Australia.  She is passionate about helping others make connections to creatively fulfil on ambitious projects while experiencing support to make a real and lasting difference.

When are the dates?

  Margaret River Broome
Workshop One Friday 15 and Saturday 16 March Friday 29 and Saturday 30 March
Workshop Two Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April Friday 3 and Saturday 4 May
Workshop Three Friday 17 and Saturday 18 May Friday 14 and Saturday 15 June


A contribution of $700 plus GST paid in advance of program commencement (actual value is $1,500).

This fee includes the cost of all workshops and professional one-on-one coaching. This fee does not include travel, accommodation, per diems or meals.

Contact for further information: Barb Howard, Country Arts WA Network Director – bhoward@countryartswa.asn.au or 08 9200 6217 / 1800 811 883 (regional WA freecall)

How do I register?

Participation is by registration and will be accepted on a first-come-first served basis. Each workshop is for a minimum of 12 people and maximum of 20 people.

Registration for the current round of the Local Leadership Program is currently closed, however, if you’re interested please tell us in the form below.

After successfully submitting your form you should receive an automatic confirmation email to the email address you provided. If you do not receive this confirmation email within an hour of submitting, please contact us on 08 9200 6217 or 1800 811 883 (regional free-call) so we can assist you.

The Local Leadership Program is being delivered by Country Arts WA, with local coordination from Creative Corner and Goolarri Media.

The Local Leadership Program is supported by the Departments of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and Primary Industries and Regional Development and the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia. The Kimberley program is also supported by Horizon Power.

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