Youth arts grants bring colour and opportunity to the regions
Regional Arts WA has funded seven youth-led projects through the Drug Aware YCulture Regional Grant program.
Seven diverse projects led by young people have taken place across the South West, Mid West, Great Southern and Peel regions. These projects have allowed young participants to dabble in skateboard deck painting, car painting, mural design, pottery, and virtual reality.
Image: Drug Aware Loud and Proud mural underway. Photo by James Ransley.
Seven diverse projects led by young people have taken place across the South West, Mid West, Great Southern and Peel regions. These projects have allowed young participants to dabble in skateboard deck painting, car painting, mural design, pottery, and virtual reality.
One exciting project that emerged through the Drug Aware YCulture Regional was the Drug Aware Loud and Proud Series, which was a three-day festival – which included a pride event, music performances by young local musicians, and a mural painting workshop facilitated by the Stu McMillian and the Youth Advisory Council. Project Coordinators James Ransley and Shannon Walker say they were excited to run this project in their community.
“Our Pride event brought a lot of colour and a positive atmosphere to the Margaret River Youth Precinct. Our LGBTQIA+ youth were really pleased to be represented and to have an event dedicated to being yourself and being proud.
“Our music event provided some young people the opportunity to play their first paid performance, and painting the mural allowed the young people of Margaret River to build their own creative identity in a friendly environment. This was really important to us, and it led to one of the funkiest murals in our Youth Precinct.
“The [Drug Aware YCulture] grant meant that we were able to provide a fun and inclusive series of events to the young people within the Shire of Augusta Margaret River. It was great to see so many smiling faces.”
Regional Arts WA CEO Dr Pilar Kasat outlined the importance of dedicated youth arts grants to the lives of young people in the regions.
“Funding for youth arts allows young people to explore their creativity in a healthy environment. Programs like the Drug Aware YCulture Regional provide a unique opportunity to develop vital skills in leadership, project management and community engagement that participants will carry on through the rest of their careers and lives.”
Drug Aware YCulture Regional, supported by Regional Arts WA and Healthway to promote the Drug Aware message, is a unique development program that empowers young people to run their own arts projects and accelerate their skills in community engagement, finances, event promotion, and project management.
Grants of up to $6,000 are open now for regionally based young people aged 12–26 years old. As an entry level grants program for young and emerging artists, Regional Arts WA will support applicants every step of the way; from growing the idea and writing the grant application, to the delivery of the event.
Drug Aware YCulture Regional closes 30 November 2022. For more information on how to apply, please visit