Young voices take the mic with Drug Aware YCulture Regional
Regional Arts WA is supporting youth-led projects throughout WA with the Drug Aware YCulture Regional Program.
Broome radio guru Taylah Welsh, 26, successfully applied to Drug Aware YCulture Regional to run an innovative new project that brought young creatives into the heart of the city, to take the reins of the local Pirate88 radio station.
Taylah, who has worked in radio since age 14 and is now Quartermaster at Pirate88, sees this project as a great opportunity for youth who were looking for local creative opportunities, as she remembers having limited access to non-sporting pursuits while growing up in a small town.
Young participants edited, mixed and helped broadcast hours of radio out of the Broome Pirate88 Station. Picture courtesy of Taylah Welsh.
“With Radiotown in Chinatown I wanted to give them an opportunity to do something they haven’t done before, and radio, you know, it also really improves confidence.
“So that means they’re more likely to pursue their own creativity in future as well – because they’ve got the skills, and now they’ve also got the confidence to tell them they can do something they’re passionate about.
“It was great fun, all around.”
While the project was focused on bringing skills to young people in the Kimberley, pulling in Media and Music educator Elicia Petite to teach participants media theory while Taylah handled the more hands-on radio lessons, there were also significant gains for others in the Broome community.
Shops around Chinatown were interviewed by the young radio journalists, giving them a bit of a chance for some local promotion, and a positive way to engage with local youth.
One participant has even gone on to use their new editing and mixing skills to create a local podcast.
Drug Aware YCulture regional is open for applications until Friday 11 December, providing grants up to $4,000 (or up to $6,000 for those living above the 26th parallel). If you know a regional young person with a great idea for an arts project, point them to for more information on how to apply.
Drug Aware YCulture Regional is funded by Healthway and administered by Regional Arts WA to promote the Drug Aware message.