Workshop | Indigenous Cultural Diversity

Workshop | Indigenous Cultural Diversity

Gemma Robins

Indigenous Services Australia (ISA) presents THE TIME IS NOW! – an Indigenous Cultural Diversity workshop

Friday 17 July, 8.30am – 3pm
Tower Hotel, Kalgoorlie 

Featuring Q&A Panelists 

  • Mr Mick Gooda (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner)
  • Mr John Bowler (Former Member for Kalgoorlie)
  • Mark Bennett (CEO – Sirius Resources, Nova Nickel Project)
  • Mr Martin Seelander (Community Relations Manager – Laverton)

Indigenous Services Australia (ISA) is a 100% Indigenous owned company providing consulting and training services to major corporate entities across Australia and the world.
ISA director, Tony Shaw, is Australia’s leading Aboriginal speaker. He has presented to over 100,000 people worldwide creating life changing experiences for others beyond all expectations.
Over the last 10 years Tony has presented to many organisations including health, housing, educational and sporting; corporate Australia; the Australian mining & civil industry,
and has been pivotal to several major Native Title claims within Australia.

The workshop leads the participant on a journey from the past to the present with an overview of Aboriginal Australia and the cultural history including the significance of the connection
to land – the dreaming, song lines, the spiritual connections and the importance of skin groupings.

Tony relates the story of the Stolen Generation through his own personal experiences. He links the legacy of the Stolen Generation to the need for core values in the Aboriginal community
today explaining why it continues to affect the Aboriginal people today and will do so for years, if not generations to come.

The workshop brings the past to the present in the context of the workplace, explaining how important it is to understand how the cultural differences such as skin grouping and communication impact on the workplace for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

The workshop overall is a dynamic, informative and inspirational journey, interspersed with a great deal of compassion, genuine intent and humour, giving the participant the opportunity to make a valued judgment about the information presented.

Find out more. 

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