Royalties for Regions Success | Arts Narrogin

Royalties for Regions Success | Arts Narrogin

Regional Arts WA

Photo by Deborah Hughes-Owen

Narrogin is a large town in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia.

Narrogin’s town centre had very limited opportunities for social interaction within its community.  The Royalties for Regions Creative Regions program enabled Arts Narrogin, a volunteer-run not-for-profit association, to champion and deliver the ‘Stories off the Wall!’ mural project to revitalise the town centre. The amazing 34 metre mural was painted onto a wall in the main street to celebrate local culture, identity and history. This project helped bring the community together as the art activity generated participation from both residents and visitors to the community including a number of young people who had not previously been involved in arts projects. The eye-catching mural now draws many visitors into the town centre creating more business in the region.

“The participation of local professional artists and community members in the design and production phases of this project has enduring benefits through enhancing community arts skills and building local community capacity for future and similar project in the town. The mural is unquestionably a new asset for the town celebrating local culture, identity and history and contributing immensely to the revitalisation of the CBD.”

Leigh Ballad, Commissioner of the Shire of Narrogin

Impact of the Royalties for Regions Creative Regions in the community: 

  • People Reached: 3,488
  • Community Participation: 302
  • Job Opportunities Created: 8
  • Extra Funding Leveraged: $25,800
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