Royalties for Regions Success | Exmouth Cultural Arts Centre
Exmouth is located in the northern tip of WA’s Gascoyne region.
People like being part of a more connected community, arts and cultural activities help achieve this as they attract people from all backgrounds, ages and abilities. The Royalties for Regions Creative Regions program empowered Exmouth Cultural Arts Centre, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to fostering the arts, to engage their community through a project called ‘Yarn Bomb.’
This project transformed Federation Park, in Exmouth’s town centre, into a vibrant woolly wonderland, entrancing both adults and kids alike. Leading up to the project, members of the community helped knit and crochet as much wool as possible. The Exmouth Cultural Arts Centre had an overwhelming response from the community who wanted to be involved. Free learn-to-knit workshops were enthusiastically taken-up across all ages. The Yarn Bombing helped local residents, and visitors, to become more involved in arts projects, and contribute to a more vibrant and liveable community.
“I have never seen the Exmouth Cultural Arts Centre headquarters so busy and alive with people from all stages-of-life involved in a community project. Sometimes learning to paint or play a musical instrument can be daunting for new members, so getting involved with knitting, crocheting and designing wool structures can ease them into projects.”
Christie Wareham-Norfolk, Yarn Bomb’s Event Organiser
Impact of the Royalties for Regions Creative Regions in the community:
- People Reached: 3,754
- Community Participation: 401
- Job Opportunities Created: 4
- Extra Funding Leveraged: $20,000