Royalties for Regions Success | Nannup Music Club
Nannup is a town in the South West region of Western Australia.
Opportunities to be involved in arts and cultural activities are essential for a community’s liveability. Every year the Nannup Music Club, a not-for-profit arts organisation, organises the much anticipated Nannup Music Festival. During the community event, the town’s streets are transformed and are brought to life with local stalls, unique performances and inspiring arts activities.
The Royalties for Regions Creative Regions investment provided vital support for the Nannup Music Festival. This has enabled Nannup Music Club to continually showcase new emerging artists and provide strong Aboriginal acts to the South West creating opportunities for the community to be more inclusive and vibrant.
“It took a few years of transition from the expected ‘headliners’ to trusting in the new, this was highlighted at the 2016 festival, where [Aboriginal] acts were receiving standing ovations, and the venues were busy from early to late – people happily immersing in the unknown rather than waiting until the headline acts were on.”
Phaedra Watts, Festival Director
Impact of the Royalties for Regions Creative Regions in the community:
- People Reached: 2,350
- Community Participation: 809
- Job Opportunities Created: 252
- Extra Funding Leveraged: $66,000