Dynamic circus duo brings fire tricks and spectacular feats to the Indian Ocean Territories
The Australian Government and Country Arts WA are pleased to bring Zap Circus’ Purple People Show & Circus Fire Spectacular! to Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands this March and April.

Tarrabelle Murphy from Zap Circus and her partner Russell Hammond will travel to the Indian Ocean Territories to perform Purple People Show and Circus Fire Spectacular! on Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Photo: EyeCandy Australia.
Audiences in the Indian Ocean Territories will have the opportunity to witness awe-inspiring acrobatics, spectacular fire-twirling and dangerous feats of grandeur as high-energy husband-andwife duo Tarrabelle Murphy and Rusty Hammond bring their circus shows to the islands.
The well-travelled pair’s résumé includes performances in over 30 countries across five continents, international accolades and multiple tours around Australia. They promise to bring juggling, acrobatics, fire tricks, comedy, handstands and audience interaction, culminating in a stunning feat of balance that no one else in the world performs.
Zap Circus’ tour forms part of Country Arts WA’s long-running presenting program, providing support and capacity-building initiatives for regional arts organisations to program high-quality performing arts in their community.
The Australian Government, through the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities’ Territories Division, provides funding to the WA Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, and Country Arts WA, to bring arts to the Indian Ocean Territories.
Country Arts WA’s Executive Director, Paul MacPhail, spoke on the value of the initiative.
“It’s important that our statewide presenting programming can extend its reach to Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
“This program puts regional presenters like Arts and Culture Christmas Island and the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands at the forefront, equipping them with the tools to program high quality performing arts in their communities and foster a spirit of creativity and spark opportunities for connections.
“Zap Circus features world-class performers and these shows are sure to thrill audiences young and old.”
All performances are free and open to all ages.
View the event details at the Country Arts WA Events page.
Media Contact
Weng-Si Cheang – Communications Director, Country Arts WA
P: 08 9200 6202 | Regional Freecall: 1800 811 883 | E: wcheang@countryartswa.asn.au