Theatre, dance, photography, film making programs by youth for youth funded through Drug Aware YCulture Regional

Theatre, dance, photography, film making programs by youth for youth funded through Drug Aware YCulture Regional

Regional Arts WA

Country Arts WA funded eight youth-led projects supported by the Drug Aware YCulture Regional program in the first half of 2016.

Through an ongoing partnership with Healthway promoting the Drug Aware message, this unique developmental program supports young people in achieving implementation of their own youth arts projects in their communities.  This year these projects were delivered in the Peel, Gascoyne, Goldfields-Esperance, South West and Mid-West regions.

‘Street Chillz Drug Aware Youth Fest’ participants in front of their skate park mural, Pinjarra. Photo by Mitchell Green

‘Street Chillz Drug Aware Youth Fest’ participants in front of their skate park mural, Pinjarra. Photo by Mitchell Green

Chief Executive Officer of Country Arts WA Paul Mac Phail stated, “The Drug Aware YCulture Regional program is highly successful in regional Western Australian communities as it allows young people to drive the direction of their creative development, and to take ownership of the projects produced. The Drug Aware message resonates in this context as young people are engaged in healthy activities which foster pride and confidence, encouraging them to make healthy choices.”

Projects included Jack Brommel’s street art skills, a young South West artist running workshops with youth from Busselton and Dunsborough where they designed and painted a large mural in central Busselton. The public location of the mural-painting generated significant interest from the wider community.

The Shire of Murray supported young locals to run the Street Chillz Drug Aware Youth Fest, an entirely youth-focused free community event in Pinjarra. Street artists Graphite Crew and beatboxing musician SamWise were engaged to give event attendees the opportunity to learn new artistic skills and create an artwork to be installed at the local skate park. The workshops engaged a massive total of 468 participants in creative activities.

Drug Aware YCulture Regional is open all year round, with applications due six (6) weeks prior to the start date of a project. For more information click here.

Read the full media release here.

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