The Regional Venues Improvement Fund

The Regional Venues Improvement Fund

Gemma Robins

The Regional Venues Improvement Fund (RVIF) is part of the State Government Royalties for Regions $24 million investment in culture and the arts.

The Fund aims to:

  • Provide WA regional performing arts and entertainment venues with funding assistance to improve the quality of performing arts and cultural infrastructure in WA regional performing arts and entertainment venues.
  • Strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of WA regional performing arts and entertainment venues to deliver culture and the arts services to the Western Australian community.

RVIF investment will focus on a range of key priorities associated with the enhancement of regional venues’ infrastructure. Grants are available to eligible applicants under three funding streams: Technical Equipment Upgrades; Venue Assessment and Functional Upgrades. The priorities of each annual program may be adjusted from year to year to meet requirements as identified by DCA.

Applications are now open for the following grant categories:

  • Technical Equipment Upgrades: Minor – closes 4pm, 29 October. Minor Grants up to $50,000 are available to support projects requiring a low to moderate level of planning and procurement e.g. plug and play systems.
  • Technical Equipment Upgrades: Major – closes 4pm, 29 October. Major Grants up to $250,000 are available to support equipment upgrade projects involving an advanced level of planning and procurement, such as lighting, audio visual and acoustic systems.
  • Venue Assessment: Building Condition Assessment – closes 4pm, 29 October. BCA Grants support the improvement of building maintenance strategic planning. The total project cost for a BCA Grant must not exceed $40,000.

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