Shows on the Go 2017 line-up announced!

Shows on the Go 2017 line-up announced!

Regional Arts WA

Country Arts WA and Act-Belong-Commit are pleased to announce three exciting productions to tour regional Western Australia as part of the Shows on the Go program in 2017.

Marty’s Party, touring 1 February to 31 March, brings a zany and comical act loaded with gizmos, gadgets and weird inventions to entertain the whole family. Full of audience participation, you’d better warm up your vocal chords and stretch your throwing arm as this 60 minutes of mayhem will have you hurling, ducking, screaming, laughing!

Kookoo Kookaburra, touring 1 May to 30 June, is a morality tale set in the Dreamtime, of a well-loved kookaburra who is famous for entertaining the other bush creatures with his funny stories. Kookoo learns the lesson of kindness after finding himself alone and ignored when he starts teasing his friends.

Barbara and Barry, touring 1 August to 22 September, are a vintage Aussie duo who run a radio talkback show, Barbara & Barry’s Sweet, Sour & Saucy, from their lounge room, delivering well-intentioned, yet questionable love advice. B&B love getting up close and personal with their audience and every night is heady mix of silly love aids, match making and of course a wedding to top it all off.

Country Arts WA invite regional WA presenters and community groups to indicate their interest in presenting any of these tours to their town by completing this form by 14 October 2016.

If you have any questions please contact a member of our Touring Team on 08 9200 6200, regional freecall 1800 811 883 or email

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