Release of the Regional Arts Policy Framework
Country Arts WA is advocating, ahead of next year’s State Government election, for the continuation of funding which saw $24 million invested over four years (2015-2019) in regional arts through the Royalties for Regions Creative Regions Program.
Today, the organisation has launched it’s campaign for regional arts funding with the release of the Regional Arts Policy Framework on the steps of Parliament House.
Hundreds of jobs have been created for artists and arts workers in the nine regions of Western Australia and there have been positive flow-on effects for local economies through increased tourism and social and cultural vibrancy.
An ongoing commitment by the State Government to the maintenance and enhancement of the Royalties for Regions Creative Regions Program would:
- Improve the quality of life, foster community cohesion, develop health and well-being, build the economic creative capacity of the regions, and create opportunities for shared experiences;
- Build on the priorities of regionally based people and complement existing programs through state or local networks and organisations;
- Play a significant role in improving health and well-being of Western Australian’s Aboriginal artists and communities;
- Provide hope, connection and inspiration for children and young people;
- Play a pivotal role in regional WA’s development and identity by providing innovative culture and arts partnerships and programs;
- Create a legacy by strengthening existing and creating new arts and cultural events, festivals, organisations and human resources.
Country Arts WA through its Regional Arts Policy Framework is advocating for continued regional arts funding of $24 million over four years from 2020 to 2024 as well as an additional $19 million over the same timeframe to address unmet need and deliver new programs and initiatives.
About the Regional Arts Policy Framework
Country Arts WA has developed the Regional Arts Policy Framework in consultation with the arts sector and regional communities around the state.
The framework provides analysis of the significant social and economic benefits that have been delivered through the Government’s $24 million Royalties for Regions Creative Regions Program.
According to the policy framework, for every one dollar of Royalties for Regions Creative Regions Program investment in 2015-16, regional arts organisations leveraged a further three dollars. In addition, direct investment in the arts generated a six per cent increase in regional employment.
Research undertaken by Country Arts WA in 2016 also showed that more than 93% of regional respondents supported a regional arts program.
Through its framework Country Arts WA is actively seeking to build on previous successes and increase regional vibrancy and liveability by advocating for more support for regional artists across all priority areas.
In addition to a continuation of the State Government’s $24 million investment over four years for regional arts, the framework calls for a further $19 million in additional funding for:
- Direct investment in Aboriginal arts centres and the establishment of an Aboriginal Cultural Partnership Program and other culturally-based programs to target social dysfunction and disadvantage;
- The expansion of regional schools performing touring programs and youth arts mentoring and leadership programs;
- Increased funding for regional arts projects and programs to address unmet need;
- Direct investment into WAM’s regional music program; and
- Increased support for the visual arts and collections sector through capital spending, programming and development/training programs.
Click here to download the Regional Arts Policy Framework