Regional Arts WA launches their Inclusion Action Plan for CALD artists
The peak body for regional arts is excited to announce their commitment to increasing access and support of CaLD (culturally and linguistically diverse) artists and arts workers based in the regions through its CaLD Inclusion Action Plan launched today.
The CaLD Inclusion Action Plan had been in development for over 18 months and has been recently finalised with emerging and established CaLD artists working and living in regional WA. They had come together to provide advice and steer Regional Arts WA to become more inclusive and accessible for the CaLD regional arts sector.
The Plan outlines Regional Arts WA’s commitment to evolve services to increase participation and representation, adopt accessible language principles, and identify opportunities to provide support networks for the regional CaLD arts community.
Regional Arts WA CEO Paul MacPhail says it is important to be inclusive of the entire regional arts sector and acknowledge the work ahead to achieve this.
“Regional Arts WA is taking the important first steps in making our services more inclusive and accessible to those who identify as CaLD. The CaLD Inclusion Action Plan demonstrates our commitment in providing arts equity across regional arts and provide real systematic changes to ensure our sector is better placed to be truly community led and representative.
“When English is not your first language, it becomes a barrier to entering and sustaining an arts practice. Something as simple as using accessible language, such as plain English, across our communications will really support those who translate information.”