Regional Arts WA launches its Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

Regional Arts WA launches its Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

Regional Arts WA

Regional Arts WA, the peak body for arts and culture in regional Western Australia, is proud to launch its Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2024, endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.

Image: Culture Night at the Karijini Experience. Photo by Bobbi Lockyer.

Over its 28 years history, Regional Arts WA has supported many First Nations focused initiatives and programs across the regions, including the incorporation of the Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub WA (AACHWA) in 2015, and the hugely successful First Nations contemporary music touring initiative Sand Tracks for ten years.

This newly launched Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) demonstrates Regional Arts WA’s continued commitment to First Nations communities and to nurture stronger relationships with First Nations people across regional, remote, and rural Western Australia.

Regional Arts WA CEO Dr Pilar Kasat says, “We are excited to launch Regional Arts WA’s inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan. This plan signals our unwavering commitment to cultural equity, and truth telling, as well as the respect we have for First Nations sovereignty and cultural autonomy.”

“I’d like to extend our gratitude to current and former Board members and staff who have contributed to the development of the RAP over the last couple of years.”

“On 26 January, Regional Arts WA will join many organisations and institutions around Australia to stand in solidarity with First Nations people, by giving staff the flexibility to work on 26 January instead of taking the day as a public holiday.”

“I am pleased to say Regional Arts WA’s Regional Arts Network members are considering doing the same, with Creality in the Gascoyne and Southern Forest Arts in the South West, confirming they will be giving their staff members the choice on the 26 January.”

Regional Arts WA is part of a strong network of more than 2,200 corporate, government, and not-for-profit organisations that have made a formal commitment to reconciliation through the RAP program.

To view the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, please visit

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