Regional Artist Fellowships in high demand
Regional Arts WA has opened its highly competitive Regional Artist Fellowships program again this year. The program will enable four established artists and arts workers to focus on a self-directed program of creative activity and professional development, with $50,000 each for a period of two years.
The Regional Artist Fellowships will be investing $200,000 in developing regionally based artist and art workers’ careers through the Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program (RACIP), supported by the State Government.
Last year, the inaugural Regional Artist Fellowships supported four recipients to strengthen their creative careers in the regions. They were Alana Hunt, Kimberley based Artist and Writer; Monique Tippet, Peel based Visual Artist, Helen Siever, South West based Visual Artist, and Renee Pettit-Schipp, a Great Southern based writer.
Renee Pettit-Schipp says receiving the inaugural Regional Artist Fellowship was vital to the development of her career as a regionally based artist.
“What my Regional Artist Fellowship has gifted me is time. It has given me time to think, to consider myself as person in a particular place at a particular point in history, to consider what this means and what my responsibilities are.
“This has been a rich and challenging space to write from and I am excited by the work that is unfolding. The grant has also allowed me the opportunity to collaborate with other artists, meet and consult with elders from Perth to Jerramungup, as well as get behind local creative initiativesꟷ allowing me time to give back to the unique and generous community in which I live.”
The Regional Artist Fellowships will close 13 May and for more information, please visit
The Next Level Regional Grants, presented by Drug Aware, are also open and will provide five young emerging artists and arts workers, aged between 18 and 26, funding of $7,500 each to support their career development in the regions.
The RACIP is administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.