Voices in Harmony project

Voices in Harmony project

Gemma Robins

Office of Multicultural Interest’s (OMI) will be shining a spotlight on the diversity of voices and music across Western Australian communities as part of an exciting new initiative for Harmony Week 2016.

They invite you to participate in the Voices in Harmony project as part of their Harmony Week activities.

The Voices in Harmony project will showcase performances from CaLD cultural groups and individuals from across Western Australia on Soundcloud – an online audio digital platform. This playlist will become the ‘soundtrack’ to Harmony Week 2016 and will be used throughout the year to highlight WA’s cultural diversity.

The playlist will be launched by Hon Dr Mike Nahan MLA, Minister for Multicultural Interests at the start of Harmony Week 2016.

To participate on the playlist you can either:

  •  record a performance of a song from your culture or community
  • record a cultural interpretation of a classic Australian song copyright permitting
    (eg: I am Australian, Waltzing Matilda, I Still Call Australia Home).

For a limited number of participants, OMI can arrange to have someone come to your premises to get a professional recording of your performance.

If you are interested to be part of this unique project, submit your song to OMI for consideration.

For submission and further details please contact Kate Rowlands on 08 6552 1767 or kate.rowlands@omi.wa.gov.au

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