EOI to attend The Exchange 2016
A professional development opportunity exists for regional organisations to attend Country Arts WA Exchange 2016
Current Country Arts WA members who are representatives of arts and cultural regional community organisations interested in attending the Exchange 2016 are invited to submit an expression of interest (EOI) to Country Arts WA.
This is a unique professional development opportunity for those involved in the arts in regional Western Australia. This opportunity will allow you to network with peers and participate in workshops over a three-day period. Costs for twin-share accommodation, meals and transport will be covered.
The Exchange 2016 will be held at Fairbridge Village Pinjarra WA Monday 14 to Wednesday 16 November 2016. It is an annual gathering of representatives from arts and cultural organisations across regional Western Australia who receive triennial core operational funding from Country Arts WA. The intent is to share, to learn, to celebrate.
This year we are increasing our reach and opening the forum to arts and cultural regional community organisations which are current members of Country Arts WA, but are not in receipt of Country Arts WA triennial funding. Only one representative per organisation may apply.
If you are interested in attending the Exchange 2016, please email a brief EOI to dmcalary@countryartswa.asn.au, providing personal details, current work situation, your regional arts and culture experience, and what you would gain for your organisation and your community by participating.
The EOI is to be received by 5pm Friday 16 September 2016. Successful applicants will be notified on Friday 7 October 2016.
If you would like more information, please contact Doone McAlary Regional Arts Development Coordinator on: email dmcalary@countryartswa.asn.au, regional freecall 1800 811 883, or direct line 08 9200 4213.