E.O.I Open for RDA Committee Members
RDA is a national network of Committees (sometimes referred to as RDA Boards) made up of local leaders creating solutions to enhance the economic development of Australia’s regions.
RDA Committees provide a vital link between local community stakeholders and government, advising the Australian Government on critical issues affecting economic development in regions and enhancing awareness of Australian Government programmes. The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development is leading this agenda for the Australian Government.
RDA Committees maintain regional plans and advise on priority activities to drive economic development in their regions. They assist local community stakeholders to develop project proposals and help shepherd them to appropriate public and/or private funding sources, including the Australian Government’s $1 billion National Stronger Regions Fund.
- Chairs and Deputy Chairs—Appointments to Chair and Deputy Chair positions are made by the Australian Government Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development and, jointly with the state or territory government minister responsible for regional development where they contribute significant financial and/or in kind support. In some jurisdictions the local government association is also a signatory to appointments.
- Committee members—Appointments to committees and boards will be made by Chairs and Deputy Chairs in consultation with the Australian Government Minister, state and territory government ministers and the local government association where joint appointments are made.
Terms of appointments vary but can be up to three years. Find out more.