Lotterywest activates arts and culture across regional WA communities
Through the State Government, Lotterywest is supporting Country Arts WA with more than $1.4 million to activate and support regional arts and culture activities. This funding will enable and strengthen regional WA communities over the next two years.
Country Arts WA is the only Western Australian arts body with a purely regional focus. They are a peak not-for-profit working with regional arts and culture organisations, art workers, sector leaders, and artists to drive strong community development and growth in the regions.
The Lotterywest funding enables the Regional Arts Sector Investment and Community Presenting programs which supports over 50 rural communities and reached more than 230,000 people in WA in 2017.
Minister for Culture and the Arts David Templeman MLA said he was pleased to see Country Arts WA receive this funding allowing for regional WA communities to thrive through arts and culture initiatives.
“All Western Australians should have equal opportunity to access and participate in our wonderful arts and cultural experiences.
“The arts play a vital role in supporting the social, cultural and economic growth of regional communities.”
Sue Middleton, Chair of Country Arts WA, says the funding will continue to make regional WA a great place to live by creating lasting social impacts.
“Without Lotterywest’s crucial support, many people living in small regional towns and remote areas would not have the opportunity to participate in the arts. Lotterywest’s commitment to building stronger communities aligns perfectly with our aim to build creative, connected and capable regional communities.
“This funding will enable us to help share what’s great about regional WA and provide the platform for demonstrating the enormous value regional arts and culture offers the State.”
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