Launch | Goldfields-Esperance Arts and Culture Framework 2015-2020
Country Arts WA and RDA Goldfields Esperance, together with our arts partners across the Goldfields-Esperance region, are launching the Goldfields-Esperance Arts and Culture Framework 2015-2020, and announcing the Artful Leadership for Community Building Program.

Please join us in Kalgoorlie-Boulder:
When | Wednesday 5 August, 5pm – 6pm
Where | Goldfields Arts Centre Gallery, 35 Cheetham Street, Kalgoorlie
RSVP | Hannah Chambers via by Friday 31 July 2015
Partners | ArtGold and the Goldfields Art Centre
And in Esperance:
When | Thursday 6 August, 5pm – 6pm
Where | Esperance Civic Centre, Council Place, Esperance
How | RSVP Hannah Chambers via by Friday 31 July 2015
Partners | Esperance Community Arts and the Esperance Civic Centre