Drug Aware YCulture Regional supports National Youth Week events
Regional Arts WA is proud to support two youth-led arts projects during National Youth Week through the Drug Aware YCulture Regional program.
Drug Aware YCulture Regional is a unique development program supporting young people to run their own youth arts and cultural projects in their regional community through an ongoing partnership with Healthway to promote the Drug Aware message.
The Waroona Leos Club have partnered with the Shire of Waroona to hold a music and arts youth event called Drug Aware Fusion on the Green during National Youth Week. They will be having the Bindjareb Middars Group teach participants traditional dance, perform with a didgeridoo, and tell Dreaming Stories. In addition, local young people can attend breakdancing workshops and be part of a drumming circle.
In the South West, young people will have the opportunity to participate in NeuroCircus’ three-day workshops in Nannup. Youth will be treated to learning new ground and aerial based circus skills as well as participating in a final showcase to their local community in front of their friends and family. Project Coordinator Jorja Rice of the Drug Aware YCulture Nannup Circus Skills workshops says, “It’s an amazing opportunity for youth in the South West to learn skills from NeuroCircus.”
Regional Arts WA CEO Paul MacPhail says this grant program provides a rare opportunity for young regional people to explore their creativity in a healthy environment.
“The Drug Aware YCulture Regional program model encourages focussed youth engagement, allowing successful applicants to build skills not only in the artistic area of their choice, but additionally in project management and grant-writing. The confidence and self-esteem developed through this commitment resonates well with the Drug Aware message and the ethos of National Youth Week.”
The Drug Aware YCulture Regional program is calling for further applications from 12–26 years old who live in regional Western Australia. Regional Arts WA is looking to support arts projects with a big impact that can help spread the Drug Aware message to as many young regional people as possible.
Regional Arts WA is available to provide support to applicants through the entire process including submitting an application, promoting the project, documenting the delivery and acquitting the funding program.
For more information, please see www.regionalartswa.org.au/funding/drug-aware-yculture-regional/