Country Arts WA launches new strategic plan

Country Arts WA launches new strategic plan

Regional Arts WA

Country Arts WA releases its new Strategic Plan as the organisation celebrates its 25th year since being established.

Last week’s launch of a 5-year Strategic Plan heralds a new era for Country Arts WA as the only multi-arts organisation in the State with a purely regional focus.

The strategic plan includes new purpose and vision statements as well as five focused key strategies. The purpose statement has Country Art WA “celebrating and strengthening a powerful regional arts sector,” in order to create the vision of “connected and creative regional communities.”

Sue Middleton, Chair of Country Arts WA’s Board, says, “Country Arts WA is taking a much stronger approach to serving the needs of regional communities. We believe the regional arts sector has, and always will, play a critical role in helping to ensure that the regions is connected and creative. Regional arts and stories are central to the development of a more liveable and dynamic Western Australia.

“In the last 12 months, the Board and staff has been continually speaking with and listening to key stakeholders, including representatives from the regional arts sector and communities. In response to these conversations and the feedback collected from our major survey last year, we have created our new road map to build upon the strong foundations of regional WA culture.”

The five key strategies in the plan include stimulating activity and investment, advancing regional arts value, coordinating networks and relationships, building skills and wellbeing, and championing diversity and inclusiveness.

Paul MacPhail, CEO of Country Arts WA, says, “Country Arts WA is adopting a new structure to align with the strategic direction of the organisation. We will be better able to respond faster and more effectively to the needs of the regional arts sector and the communities they serve as we build partnerships and relationships across many diverse communities, groups and sectors.”

Check out the links below to see the new strategic plan for yourself!

Regional Arts WA Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023
Regional Arts WA Strategic Plan – One Page

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