Call Out | Artworks For New Perth Stadium

Call Out | Artworks For New Perth Stadium

Gemma Robins

Under the State Government’s Percent for Art Scheme, $2 million has been allocated for artworks for the new Perth Stadium and Sports Precinct.  Local, national and international artists are being asked to register their interest to create the first of four permanent artworks for the new Perth Stadium.

The first piece will be located in the north of the Sports Precinct, alongside the Swan River-fed lake. It will be a permanent land art installation and integrated into the landscape design, encouraging visitors of all ages to explore its different forms.

The artist or artists commissioned for this first opportunity are expected to be appointed by the end of 2015 and the other three artwork opportunities will be released in the following months.

For more information visit:

Interested artists should contact art consultant FORM to register their interest:

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