Bug-obsessed kids adventure flutters around regional WA
After performing for five years throughout Perth, including a successful season at Fringe World Festival, bug-obsessed kids show Squisher & Squasher: The Great Bug Hunt hits the road for six shows in regional WA.
Squisher and Squasher: The Great Bug Hunt tells the story of two very inquisitive and excitable gardeners who learn there’s a lot more to their favourite garden than flowers and trees. Along the way they discover a whole world of beautiful and interesting little creatures called bugs.
From the Kimberley to Goldfields-Esperance, Squisher and Squasher: The Great Bug Hunt will bring a show jam-packed with singing, dancing and family-friendly fun that it will have children on their feet, laughing and bug-obsessed too.
The show is presented by Country Arts WA, peak organisation for WA regional arts, who coordinates several shows through its Presenting Program in regional communities throughout the state.
“Country Arts WA’s Presenting Program helps build the creative capacity in local towns to ensure high quality shows are available to everyone,” said Country Arts WA’s Executive Director, Paul MacPhail.
“Imaginative shows like Squisher & Squasher: The Great Bug Hunt is a great way to inspire young children and their families to engage with the arts and their community in exciting ways. As more people become involved in regional arts, like Squisher & Squasher: The Great Bug Hunt, it helps to ensure regional communities are creative, vibrant places to live,” said Mr MacPhail.
Emma Davis, Squisher & Squasher: The Great Bug Hunt’s writer, producer and director agrees, “The message of the show is simple, it’s all about getting outside and having fun in nature. It’s been a dream of ours to bring this show to country audiences.”
“We are looking forward to meeting country kids and showing them how much fun they can have moving their bodies, singing silly songs, and getting back to nature. It’s a fun show to perform and we really hope that children and their parents enjoy it too,” said Ms Davis.
The show begins in Broome on 5 October, before heading to Port Hedland, Merredin, Moora, Kalgoorlie and ending in Esperance on 17 October.
For more information, head to the Squisher and Squasher: The Great Bug Hunt event page.