Boosting the creative regional ecosystem in Western Australia

Boosting the creative regional ecosystem in Western Australia

Regional Arts WA

Immediate, mid and long term funding for individuals and organisations strengthening the fabric of the creative ecosystem in regional, rural and remote Western Australia.

Branwen Smith at Exmouth for Gascoyne in May, an event supported by the Regional Arts Fund. Picture by Nic Duncan.

Regional Arts WA are proud to launch The Recovery Boost – a one-off targeted investment provided by the Australian Government through Regional Arts Australia.

The nation-wide funding recognises that the creative industries are central to thriving and healthy communities across regional, rural, and remote Australia and that arts and culture activities are vital in the recovery and renewal process.

In Western Australia, the Recovery Boost grant program will be implemented in three stages moving from Relief to Recovery and Renewal.

RAF Relief (Open 1 July 2020)

Relief grants, up to $4,000, are designed to assist regional artists, arts organisations and communities to meet their immediate needs. This could include asset replacement or purchase, support for arts practice (including self-directed residency/research and development), small projects and professional development opportunities.

RAF Recovery (Open 3 August 2020)

Recovery grants, up to $30,000, are designed to meet the medium-term recovery needs of artists, organisations and communities. Projects in this program should focus on activities that assist in recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. Project activities could include creative recovery projects, training programs, operational recovery plans, asset purchase or replacement (value up to $5,000) and the development of risk plans and emergency operating procedures and responses.

RAF Renewal (Open in 9 November 2020)

Renewal grants will provide up to three years of funding to support projects that have strong partnerships and demonstrated long-term outcomes, with a sustainable future-positioning focus. These projects will be strategic in nature. Collaborations across State and Territory borders will be encouraged. The projects can be process-driven and provide an opportunity to think beyond ‘snap back’ and to consider renewed arts practice and learning processes. Project activities could include partnership projects, community events or programs, First Nations-led renewal and wages for workers (First Nations worker positions will be encouraged).

The Recovery Boost funds will be delivered through the mechanisms of the Regional Arts Fund. The Regional Arts Fund is one way the Australian Government supports regional artists and arts organisations to develop their artistic practice and produce works and experiences to benefit their local communities. The Regional Arts Fund is administered on behalf of the Australian Government by Regional Arts Australia and its member organisations which includes Regional Arts WA.

For more information, please head to

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