Workshop One | Artful Leadership for Community Building Program
The first Artful Leadership for Community Building Program workshop was held at Morapoi Station, Northern Goldfields from Friday 4 to Sunday 6 September 2015. Sixteen participants from across the Goldfields-Esperance region converged at the isolated location to commence their professional development program in forging a new era of arts and cultural leadership in their region.
The first weekend workshop sessions challenged participants in topic areas including: discovering their ‘enemies of learning’- individual blocks to taking action, the creative capacity of language to influence change, the interdependent roles of the entrepreneur, the manager and the artist and how all three roles work together to develop a successful project.

Workshop participants at Morapoi Station. L-R: Deeva Muir, Kado Muir, David Gleeson, Marcus McGuire, Monica Dovorak, Gary Cooper (obscured), Ashley Gibb (obscured), Ange Leech. Photo by Pania Turner.

Regional Festival Planning Morapoi Station. Photo by Pania Turner.
Some participants have already declared their interest in running for Council. This provides them the opportunity to influence the development of local arts and culture policy framework that ensures a coordinated approach to providing financial support to arts activities and excellence, working toward collaborative and collective community goals. This multifaceted program also provides coaching support for project development, so it is an important time for the region, in the evolution of arts and culture.
The Artful Leadership for Community Building Program will run until the end of November 2015. An intensive workshop is planned for to Kalgoorlie in mid-October and the final workshop is planned for Esperance at the end of November.
The Artful Leadership for Community Building Program participants include:
- Peta Jurgens Musician/Producer,
- Ange Leech Artist
- Donna Malec Goldfields Arts Centre Manager
- Gary Cooper Creative Producer
- David Gleeson Small Business Owner
- Pania Turner Shire of Dundas – Community Development
- Kado Muir Managing Director Marnta P/L
- Deeva Muir Director Marnta P/L
- Karthi Muir Youth Worker Leonora
- Ashley Gibb Musician
- Katie Witt Festival of the Wind Coordinator
- Marcia Koulbanis Leonard Art and Graphic Design/Media Teacher
- Monika Dovorak Artist/Small Business Owner
- Marcus McGuire Musician/Radio Producer & Announcer
- James Shultz Director Esperance Nyungar Aboriginal Corporation
- Lisa Blair Self Employed Social Media Manager
During the developmental stages of the Goldfields-Esperance Arts and Culture Framework 2015-2020 there was a clear consensus that leadership and skills development was in real need throughout region. In response, Country Arts WA secured funding from Goldfields Esperance Development Commission, through the Royalties for Regions Regional Grants Scheme to deliver the Artful Leadership for Community Building program during 2015.
The Artful Leadership for Community Building program who initiated through the developmental stages of the Goldfields-Esperance Arts and Culture Framework 2015-2020 , which identified was a clear consensus that leadership and skills development was in real need throughout region. In response, Country Arts WA secured funding from Goldfields Esperance Development Commission, through the Royalties for Regions Regional Grants Scheme to deliver the Leadership program.
Find out more about there Goldfields-Esperance Arts & Culture Framework here.