75 Communities benefit from Regional Arts Resilience Grants

75 Communities benefit from Regional Arts Resilience Grants

Regional Arts WA

Regional Arts WA is proud to have delivered an investment of $900,975 into the regions through the Regional Arts Resilience Grants program, funded through the State Government’s Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program (RACIP).

This ground-breaking investment is benefiting 75 regional, rural, and remote communities in WA as it builds resilience in local arts and culture initiatives to connect, engage and support people through the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Radio Margaret River volunteers Paul Nock, Cate Worsley and Ian Smith launching the new Radio Margaret River station and mobile app at Rise and Recover. Photo by Angela D’Arcy Evans.

It is estimated that over 74,000 participants and audiences will be impacted by the investment as over 165 artists work with their communities to develop creative solutions to restore confidence in towns, reduce isolation with residents, and future proof arts and cultural practices.

Regional Arts WA CEO Paul MacPhail says the Regional Arts Resilience Grants exceeded expectations and achieved its intent in assisting communities to sustain creative practices and to participate in the regional economy following the period of disruption caused by COVID-19.

“We thank the State Government in their decision to support regional communities and the regional arts sector through this significant investment. Without this investment into local economies late last year, isolated regional towns, particularly those with an older demographic, would be experiencing a slower recovery.

The Regional Arts Resilience Grants have built confidence in many regional artists to expand their skills outside their communities and reach into other towns through online platforms such as Zoom and Social Media. It also enabled regional cultural organisations to access funds to engage their communities in timely and effective ways and ensure their residents felt safe, connected, and supported through an uncertain time.”

A full list of successful initiatives funded by the Regional Arts Resilience Grants can be found at https://regionalartswa.org.au/funding/resilience/regional-arts-resilience-grants-recipients/

Regional Arts Resilience Grants are provided through the Regional Arts and Culture Investment Program with support of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, with Royalties for Regions funding from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

The purpose of the program is creating jobs, economic development, tourism and improving social cohesion by supporting the creative and cultural industries in regional Western Australia. Through strategic investments, the program aims to build capacity in the regions and contribute to liveability and vibrancy of regional communities.

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