The Annual Goldfields-Esperance Arts and Culture Gathering
Regional Arts WA’s Network Coordinator Alysha Saunders and Investment Coordinator Carla Steele recently attended the Goldfields-Esperance Regional Arts and Culture Organisation Gathering, organised by the Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission.

Held on 5 & 6 June in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, this two-day event, now in its second year, brought together arts and cultural organisations for networking, knowledge sharing, and showcasing—activities crucial for connecting the region’s creative workforce and fostering a thriving sector. The event included a diverse range of participants, including artists, cultural leaders, and representatives from various arts organisations, all eager to collaborate and exchange ideas.
The gathering featured a screening of the internationally award-winning film “Gravel Road,” which tells the story of The Desert Stars, the world’s most remote rock band from Tjuntjunjarra. Attendees also toured major public arts and culture investments by the WA State Government and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, participated in artist talks, learned about FORM’s regional cultural tourism projects, and networked with the Executive Team of the Department of Local Government, Sport, and Creative Industries (DLGSC) at the Goldfields Arts Centre.

Alysha and Carla joined Jess Anderson (DLGSC), James Boyd (Creative Australia), and Kate Mills (Puzzle Consulting) on a panel discussing funding opportunities and sector support. The panel provided valuable insights and practical advice, sparking meaningful discussions about the future of arts funding in the region.
Highlights included updates from key organisations such as The Cannery Arts Centre, Esperance Community Arts, Artgold, Kambalda Arts & Culture Group, Rave About Arts, Golden Mile Art, Shire of Wiluna, Shire of Coolgardie, Judumul Aboriginal Corporation, Tjuma Pulka, and Kuberin Muir. These updates showcased the vibrant and diverse activities happening across the region, reinforcing the importance of continued collaboration and support within the arts community.