Marketing Mentorship 2019 Expression of Interest

Regional Arts WA

Marketing Mentorship 2019 Expression of Interest


Tarrabelle & Rusty from Purple People Show.

The Expression of Interest period for the 2019 Marketing Mentorship has closed.

Looking to develop your digital marketing skills? Need help demystifying social media, online ticketing or public relations?

Country Arts WA is pleased to provide a free Marketing Mentorship for one community presenter on the Lotterywest Shows on the Go Purple People Show tour.

Through a series of sessions over teleconference, we’ll guide you with your digital marketing, providing resources and guidance specific to your presentation of Purple People Show.

By the end of the mentorship, you’ll be equipped with a new understanding of how to run your organisation’s social media, reach new audiences and get the most out of your marketing resources for Purple People Show and beyond.

Expression of interests are open now and close at 11.59pm on Monday 11 February.


Week Week Commencing Activities
1 4 March Marketing planning
2 11 March Promotional collateral
3 18 March Design
4 25 March Social media
5 1 April Email marketing, surveys, PR
30 April – 12 June Tour period
6 17 June (or earlier) Evaluation

The expression of interest will be assessed against the following criteria:

  1. Demonstrated level of marketing activity or understanding
  2. Active and ongoing arts presence in the community
  3. Presence on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  4. Capacity to devote at least 1 hour a week towards marketing sessions for 6 weeks
  5. Capacity and ability to apply marketing learnings towards the Lotterywest Shows on the Go presentation of Purple People Show (including access to social media, fluid approval process and capacity to create content)
  6. Adequate IT (hardware + broadband) for GoToMeeting and screenshare for mentoring sessions

Please read through the Marketing Mentorship 2019 Guidelines before filling out the form below.


Presenters will be informed of a decision by Friday 15 February.

Country Arts WA will arrange a consultation with the selected presenter to determine how the content and timeline of the Mentorship can be catered to the needs of their organisation.

If you have any questions about the Mentorship or you have difficulty filling out the expression of interest form below, please contact Country Arts WA on regional freecall 1800 811 883, 9200 6200, or


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