RAF Renewal Grants
Renewal grants will provide up to $90,000 over 2-3 years to support projects that have strong partnerships and demonstrated long term outcomes, with sustainable future-positioning focus.
These projects will be strategic in nature. Collaborations across State and Territory borders will be encouraged. The projects can be process-driven and provide an opportunity to think beyond ‘snap back’ and to consider renewed arts practice and learning processes. Project activities could include partnership projects, community events or programs, First Nations-led renewal and wages for workers (First Nations worker positions will be encouraged).
Proposals to this program will be by Expression of Interest, then full applications by invitation only.
All RAF Renewal projects must be complete by 30 June 2024.
Regional Eligibility
Applicants must reside in postcodes classified as regional using the Modified Monash Model Map. The applicant’s physical address must be MMM Classification 2 or above. To check how your address is classified visit the Doctor Connect Locator Map.
The objectives of the Regional Arts Fund are to support and promote participation in, and access to, arts and culture in regional and remote Australia by:
- Encouraging and supporting sustainable economic, social and cultural development in regional communities
- Developing partnerships and networks which leverage financial and/or in-kind support for specific projects and encourage ongoing collaboration
- Developing audiences and broadening community engagement with the arts
- Increasing employment and professional development opportunities for, and raise the profile of, regional and remote artists
In addition, the following principles will be applied to the assessment of the RAF Renewal Stream:
- Community confidence (evidenced by connectivity) “increased or renewed community confidence”
- Creative confidence (evidenced by arts practice)
- Business confidence (evidenced by partnerships)
The RAF Renewal Program in particular needs to respond to:
- Lasting benefits
- Local supply
- Job incentives
Assessment Process
The RAF Renewal assessment process will be in three stages:
- Expression of Interest proposals submitted are reviewed internally by Regional Arts WA.
- Full applications submitted by applicants invited through Stage 1 are assessed by an independent, external panel of artists and cultural workers from across the state, selected by Regional Arts WA.
- Applicants are recommended by Regional Arts WA to Regional Arts Australia, to be approved in consultation with the Department.
Successful Applicants
Successful RAF recipients must display the RAF logo (a combined set of the Australian Government logo and Regional Arts WA logo) on promotional material relating to the supported project. Logos are available here.
If you have any enquiries regarding logo usage please contact the Regional Arts WA Project Officer.
To see the full list of recipients, click here.
Links and Downloads
SmartyGrants Portal
Sample Tax Invoice
About Regional Arts Fund (RAF)
The Regional Arts Fund is an Australian Government Program that supports sustainable cultural development in regional and remote communities in Australia. It meets the strategic priorities of supporting participation in, and access to, the arts; and encouraging greater private sector support for the arts.
The Regional Arts Fund is designed to benefit regional and remote arts practitioners, arts workers, audiences and communities. The program is managed nationally by Regional Arts Australia and is delivered in all states and the Northern Territory by Regional Program Administrators.
About The Recovery Boost
The Recovery Boost is a $10 million targeted measure announced by the Australian Government in 2020 as part of the Relief and Recovery Fund. It responds to the difficulties experienced by regional artists, arts organisations and communities who have been heavily impacted by COVID-19. The Recovery Boost is one-off funding and will be delivered through the Regional Arts Fund and seeks to offer short (Relief), medium (Recovery) and long-term (Renewal) support.